Setting Intentional Goals For 2019


How do you set an Intentional Goal?

In life in order to accomplish certain things that don't come easy to us we need to put a little extra effort into these things.  Setting goals is that little extra effort we need to put into achieving the results we desire.

Before you quickly move on and think you can just simply set a goal in your mind and be done with it; I’m going to share how you can turn your goal into an intentional goal.  which is simply a goal with a plan.


“Failing To Plan Is A Plan To Fail”

~ Banjamin Franklin (according to the Internet)

Goals Must Be In Writing

Put that goal of yours on paper. Something powerful happens when you write it out

Goals Must Be Specific

What exactly do you want to achieve? This is where you take a dream and make it real

Goals Must Be Measurable

What are the daily, weekly and monthly steps you’re taking to achieve this goal?

Goals Must Have A Time Limit

Now we don't want to become procrastinators. Set a finish line for your goal

Goals Must Be Yours

Make sure this is something you want not your parent or spouse. This is your unique goal


Finding Balance Within Our Lives

In your life do you find yourself crushing it in one area and then coming up short in another?

As we move our way through life we will find that some things come natural to us. For some socializing and bringing people together comes easy. Then there are areas in our lives that aren’t so easy. That same person may find themselves struggling to keep up with their gym visits and healthy eating.

Giving credit where credit is due.

~Dave Ramsey opened my eyes to the idea of setting goals in 7 areas of our lives and I want to share this powerful idea with you.

Finding Your Unique Balance

We need to make an honest effort to balance our life. So as soon as I feel a little down or frustrated I need to look inward and ask myself, what part of my life am I allowing to go flat? The worksheet provided at the end is intended to help you find balance in your life. Giving you the opportunity to inflate your tire, and allow you to keep moving forward with you goals.


Setting Goals In Seven Areas

  1. Career

  2. Financial

  3. Spiritual

  4. Family

  5. Intellectual

  6. Physical

  7. Social


Write it all down

It’s one thing to type out your goals, and it’s another to take pen to paper. When you begin to take your thoughts and form them into words on paper through the movement of your hand something very powerful happens. Your goal becomes real, these letters on the paper hold you accountable. I like to keep my goals easily visible so I’m constantly reminded of them. The fridge always seems to be a good place. Worksheet


Write down Intentional goals for all 7 areas of your life.


Thank you for reading all the way to the end.

Happy New Year, from your Coach

Chantel Lugossy
