Changing Christmas in 2018

living debt free during the holidays and christmas financial coaching

Are we giving with a happy heart or are we being forced to give?

Christmas in 2018 in my opinion is becoming pointless. Before you stop reading and think I’m a big negative nancy hear me out.

Now maybe I should rephrase, Christmas in 2018 has become disconnected to the true reason and spirit of the holiday.

Christmas has become lost in the malls, it’s being suffocated by wrapping paper and the light is being dimmed by the weight of consumer debt. It has become more about the gift and less about the act of giving.

In an article put out by in 2017 Canadian consumers planned on spending an average of $1,507 each on the Christmas holiday. This includes gifts, travel, decorations, and entertainment.

Now I know what your thinking, your thinking “Chantel, we give by spending money!” Your right, at Christmas everyone is giving but we are choosing to give for the wrong reason. Was the idea of giving a gift to your co-worker put on your heart for no reason other than spreading joy to that person, or was the idea forced on you by your supervisor? This is where giving at Christmas takes a wrong turn. Are we giving with a happy heart or are we being forced to give?

changing christmas in 2018 - don't go into debt

I want to provide 5 ways you can start making a change for your 2018 Christmas.

1. Make a promise to yourself.

I want you to make a promise to yourself. A promise that you’re not going to leave yourself feeling empty from the holiday. It feels so good to give and we can easily get taken away by the feel good juices flowing through our veins, but at what expense? I don't want your gift to turn into resentment so make sure you want to give and that you can give.

2. Be honest.

As soon as we all start to be honest we can start building deeper connections. Before you go ahead and start telling your Mother how you really feel about her new hair cut over Christmas dinner understand this is not the kind of honesty I’m talking about. I want you to be honest with your social circle and all the events you will be asked to go too. Do you really want to go to them all, and can you really afford going to them all? Each event that your asked to go to will cost you in time, money, and also a possible hangover depending the type of event. I encourage you to be honest with your friends and family. Don't shy away from your truths, you may find more people relate then not.

3. Giving.

Giving feels good, there is research to back this idea up. In an article posted on it stated among psychologists who study generosity, found that being generous releases endorphins, the feel good chemical. Yup thats right give and you will be rewarded. Now I don't want you thinking that money is the only way you can give. There are so many different ways we can give that actually cost zero dollars. Like giving a smile to a complete stranger, or how about giving kindness in a situation where you would otherwise offer animosity. A big free be is giving time. Now to all the smart A**’s that think “Time is Money” I want you to think about the time you spend on yourself. We all have that time we choose to spend on ourselves, like time at the gym, or time you spend on a hobby, and the time you spend playing fortnight. Whatever your time looks like, I want you to consider giving it and there are many creative ways to give the gift of time during the holiday season.

4. Define Christmas for yourself.

Everyone has a different idea of Christmas and what that holiday means to them. I want you to take the time and ask yourself what does Christmas mean to you? For some it's all about giving gifts, some it's about spending time with family and friends and to others it’s about there faith. When you define Christmas for yourself you can release the pressure of trying to keep up with everyone's ideas. Your Christmas will begin to have meaning and become more genuine.

5. Be intentional.

This may be difficult for some. Being intentional may go against all that people know about the holiday. As defined by the online oxford dictionary, Intentional is defined as being deliberate or done on purpose. This Christmas consider the people you choose to surround yourself with, speak to people with purpose. Plan your time and also the money you want to spend. This season let's be fully awake and intentional with the holiday by saying no to mindless gift giving.


Christmas Challenge:

Don’t go into debt this Christmas. Consider spending less money and instead, spend more time with the people around you.


Thanks for reading all the way to the end!

Merry Christmas from Chantel Lugossy
